Monday, April 1, 2019


Selamat malam sahabat Lily... setelah sekian lama tak kunjung posting karena mimin gak mod, hmmm lebih tepatnya menghemat kuota  ^_^  

So baru bisa posting, kali ini mimin posting cerita yang mimin ambil dari buku Detik-detik tingkat SMP milik salah satu murid mimin... yah karena mimin like banget ya udah posting saja 

*** Cloud Family ***
Once upon a time, there lived a Clouds family. Papa Cloud, Mama Cloud, and Cloud children lived quietly in the sky.
Every morning, the cloud children went to the sky playground to play with the slide. But since there was only one slide, they had to take turns on the slide. Lody, the youngest cloud child, looked impatient. He could not wait for his turn to come. His brother, Tody, didn’t like his attitude. Suddenly, they were quarreling. Their white bodies became gray. It meant they were very angry. When the clouds were angry, water usually came out for their bodies. It meant rain for the people on Earth.
“Stop it, children!” Stop fighting!” Papa Cloud said.
“You can play with the slide in turn. Now, shake hands. Both of you!” ordered Papa Cloud.
Lody and Tody shaked hands and slowly their colour changed. Their bodies became fair white again. The rain stopped and people on Earth could go on their activities again.

Maaf untuk versi terjemahannya mimin tidak ada karena di Buku Detik-detik tidak ada terjemahannya... Makasih

Sumber : Detik-Detik Tingkat SMP 

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