Good morning friend Lily ... this morning I will post about the biography of ABDUL WAHID HASYIM. ABDUL WAHID HASYIM mentioned, too, that he is the youngest member of the 62 members BPUPKI. He also figures the youngest of nine national leaders who signed the charter Djakarta, an agreement that the birth of the proclamation and the constitution of the State. After independence, in September 1945, she was appointed as Minister of State. Continues at Sjahrir Cabinet in 1946, he also became Minister.
happy reading and hopefully useful.
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Name: Kiai Haji Abdul Wahid Hasyim
Date of Birth: June 1, 1914
Place of birth: Jombang, East Java, the Indies
Star sign: Gemini
Died: Cimahi, West Java, 19 April 1953 (age 38)
Tomb: Tebuireng, Jombang
Indonesian citizens
Children: 6
Date of Birth: June 1, 1914
Place of birth: Jombang, East Java, the Indies
Star sign: Gemini
Died: Cimahi, West Java, 19 April 1953 (age 38)
Tomb: Tebuireng, Jombang
Indonesian citizens
Children: 6
Abdul Wahid Hasyim was born in Jombang, East Java, on June 1, 1914, from the couple K.H. Hashim Asy`ari d an Nyai Nafiqah bint K Ilyas. His father was the founder of a religious organization Nahdlotul Ulama. Wahid Hasyim intelligence already appears since a very young age. At the age of 7 years he has khatam Al-Qur`an to receive direct guidance of his father. Other education he gained in Pesantren Tebu Ireng. At age 15 he was already familiar with the Latin alphabet, mastering the Dutch language and English without never attended school at all colonial. In the biography Abdul Wahid Hasyim said that at age 18 he Hajj once lived for two years in Mecca to deepen their religious knowledge.
Coming home from the holy land, the fifth son of K.H. Hashim active as`ari organized which was founded by his father. In 1938 he became NU branches Cukir and continues to climb, in 1940 became the NU central board level with leading Ma`arif department in charge of education. He, a broad-minded religious leaders far ahead across formal boundaries of religion. His leadership kept honed and proven trustworthiness him to become chairman of the Shura Council Muslimin Indonesia (Masjumi) on October 24, 1943. In the field of education, caress establish Islamic High School in Jakarta in 1944, which management is delegated to KH. A Kahar Muzakkir. In his biography of Abdul Wahid Hasyim noted that ahead of independence in 1945, he became a member BPUPKI and PPKI.
The father of the late President of the Republic of Indonesia to 4, K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur is a known moderate cleric, substantive and inclusive. The formulation of the first principle of Pancasila text `` Belief in God Esa`` is part of the fruit thought to replace the phrase `` Running Shari'a obligation to its adherents. 'Reading the biography of Abdul Wahid Hasyim, we will discover how at a young age, he has a very broad insight on the thinking of religion, state, educational, political, social and of course also about the boarding school that became the basis of the NU.
In the biography of Abdul Wahid Hasyim also mentioned that he is the youngest member of the 62 members BPUPKI. He also figures the youngest of nine national leaders who signed the charter Djakarta, an agreement that the birth of the proclamation and the constitution of the State. After independence, in September 1945, she was appointed as Minister of State. Continues at Sjahrir Cabinet in 1946, he also became Minister. In 1950 in the Cabinet Hatta, Natsir and Sukiman He was appointed Minister of Religion. Attention on education is enormous, and in 950 he decreed the establishment of Islamic Religion (PTAIN), which became the forerunner IAIN or UIN.
In 1953, precisely on April 18, he made his way to attend a meeting Sumedang NU accompanied by his son, Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur. Arriving in Cimindi, the car carrying skid and can not be controlled by the driver to hit a truck which resulted K.H. Wahid Hasyim thrown out. The accident led him to coma and eventually died on 19 April 1953 at the age of 39 years young. His body was buried in Pesantren Tebu Ireng Jombang. In a review Biography Abdul Wahid Hasyim explained, he received the grace of National Hero accordance devotion best in the Republic of Indonesia.
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